






Reserve a Camp Site

Camp Meeting is quickly approaching (June 20-28, 2025).
If you attended last year's Camp Meeting, your site is available to reserve. Open registration begins February 26, 2025.

Connect LIVE

Join us LIVE most Wednesdays at 12:00pm as we talk about the activities of the various departments, ministries, and churches in our Conference.

Official Statement
(Aug. 21, 2024)

You may have heard rumors about a certain presentation that occurred Friday night at the Northern Maine Camp Meeting .
The Conference felt it was important enough to write an official statement with the support of the Northern Maine Camp Meeting organizers.

Enjoy the Summer at Camp Lawroweld

New adventures are around the corner at the beautiful Camp Lawroweld!

Revival in the East

Discover the Vision, Mission, and Strategy for the Conference in 2023-2028.

Prayer Line

We have a new phone number for our daily prayer time! If you've never joined in, it's easy - you can listen on mute or voice your prayer at the appropriate time.

Go to Pine Tree Academy

Set up an appointment to visit us in Freeport, Maine. Discover the excellent education your child could be a part of!


Watch this quick video from our President, Gary Blanchard, as he shares about our Conference.

CoNNECting Our Friends to Christ

The vision of the Northern New England Conference is to demonstrate the Eternal Gospel to every hamlet, home, and heart in New England and then Jesus will come.

Bible Studies

Interested in learning more about the Bible? You can study the Bible with a Pastor, Bible Worker or on your own.  You decide and we will help how we can!

Connect Academy

Online training courses to encourage and grow our church members to feel comfortable sharing Jesus with others. These courses are FREE and you can view the previous courses already including "How to Give Bible Studies" and "Preach like a Pro".


The conference calendar is made up of Conference-wide events that pertain to our schools, churches and constituents. Here you will find information on Camp Meeting dates, observed holidays when the office will be closed, as well as ministry events and much more!
Go To Calendar


The departments help run and support our local schools and churches. Each department is essential to the growth and longevity of our organization.


The ministries are supplemental support for local church and constituents as well as our conference communities. Each ministry is designed to meet and minister to a specific target group.

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About Us

"CoNNECting our friends to Christ"
As you explore this website, it is our prayer that you will discover resources by which God is glorified. We are here to serve!

Stay informed!

Church Connect is a weekly email that includes the latest news and upcoming events in our Conference.
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© 2025 by the Northern New England Conference of Seventh-day Adventists