








Prayer Ministries

Let's Pray Together!

Pray With Us

All are welcome to join!

New Prayer Line: (609) 663-0983

Morning Prayer: Each morning, people from around the country call the NNEC Prayer Ministries phone line to join their hearts together in prayer.
- 5:00am is a book study.
- 6:00am we pray together for our pastors and leaders/
- 7:00am we open the line up to take prayer requests and sharing.

Prayer Meeting: On the evenings of Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday at 6:00pm, end your work day with prayer! On the 2nd Thursday of each month their is a special prayer for children of all ages.
- Mondays at 6:00pm - study on Christ Our Righteousness.
Guy searching with binoculars
“…Prayer is the key in the hand of faith to unlock heavens store house …“ (Steps to Christ, 95)

Call in a Prayer Request

We have a new prayer request line where you can leave a voicemail for the prayer team.

Call (518) 722-5357 and the team will pray for your voicemail request.

Prayer Requests

Public requests we have received in the past 7 days...

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Submit Prayer Requests

Submit a prayer request to the Prayer Ministries team. If you click the box to make it public, it will also be shared on this page for 1 week.
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Upcoming Events

We want to see you at these events!
Enjoy a time in cabins and in nature, praying and opening God's Word together.
Enjoy a time in cabins and in nature, praying and opening God's Word together.
“We do not pray any too much, but we are too sparing of giving thanks. If the loving-kindness of God called forth more thanksgiving and praise, we would have far more power in prayer. We would abound more and more in the love of God and have more bestowed to praise Him for. You who complain that God does not hear your payers, change your present order and mingle praise with your petitions. When you consider His goodness and mercies you will find that He will consider your wants.” - Ellen White 5T 317

Resources for Prayer

Send your recommendations to
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Revival & Reformation
Seeks to assist the church in removing obstacles so that God can revive the church with His Spirit.
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NAD Prayer Ministries
The Prayer Ministry of the North American Division.
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Bible Info is here to answer your Biblical questions from a source you can trust--the Bible!
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Back to Enoch
Providing resources to motivate, inspire and equip Christians for godly living for the final crisis...
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Amazing Facts
Is a worldwide, multifaceted, soul-winning ministry committed to proclaiming the gospel.
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Powerful Testimony by Dana Brady
Watch this special interview about Dana's truly inspiring testimony.
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Our recommendations to grow your prayer life or group.

Meet the leader

Looking for a different team member? View our complete personnel list.
Image of personDana Brady
Prayer Ministries Director & Women's Ministry Assistant Director

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"CoNNECting our friends to Christ"
As you explore this website, it is our prayer that you will discover resources by which God is glorified. We are here to serve!

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© 2024 by the Northern New England Conference of Seventh-day Adventists